Monday, September 19, 2011


Had a guy on youtube ask me if I can make my toxic green manix scales with the Umbrella Corporation logo on it, from the movie series Resident Evil.  Here's my rendering of what it will look like in 3 color anodizing!  Not easy to do, anodize in 3 colors for an intricate pattern, but if he wants to go ahead with it it will be a lot of fun to do and the results will be fantastic.

Also making good progress on my Spyderco Paramilitary 2 handles.  The first picture shows the digitized outline of the stock handle, this is where I put the handle in my CNC mill and actually use the mill to measure the outline of the part point by point by point, every 0.025".  Then I take it in to my CAD program and make a design from it, which is pictured below in red.

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