Friday, November 11, 2011

Eastwood tumbler wins again

These blades have spent the past 41 hours in my Eastwood Tumbler getting deburred and polished, and I finally got a good picture of them! The tumbler really finished them off nice. The blade pictured upper right with the funky edge, I gave that a quick once over on my small 1x42 belt grinder with a 240 grit belt before tumbling, that took off the milling marks and left a really nice looking grind. The Anso blade bottom right I put a quick edge on it, the front edge looks nice and manly. Ignore the terrible jimping on that one, I used a long 1/16" drill bit and it kept going off center when drilling the holes, they should be spot drilled first. But for the one on the bottom left I didn't grind it at all, that's right off the machine and into the tumbler, great finish! All it really needs is a quick buzz on a scotchbrite wheel before tumbling then I'll be super happy with it. (note to self, buy scotchbrite wheel)

What do you guys think?

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