So I'm trying to figure out the next knife to make custom handles for and the Spyderco Paramilitary 2 has me interested. Stock it's got really nice G10 handles, but man, how sweet would that knife be with anodized aluminum handles? Maybe with some cool texturing on the front? I want them to weigh about the same as the stock handles, so if I have to mill some pockets on the backside to lighten them up then I'll definitely do that. G10 seems to be about 75% the weight of aluminum, so it shouldn't need too many pockets to get it light enough.
I can't make glow scales for this knife because it doesn't use liners, it's just straight up G10 with small nested liners for the compression lock. It relies on the structural integrity and robustness of the G10, glow unfortunately isn't nearly as tough. However aluminum should do the job nicely!
Here is spyderco's official picture of the Paramilitary 2:
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