Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rat 1 hold downs

Got some more work done today. Originally I was having trouble with the middle of the glow scales bowing up, so when I used my corner rounding tool it wouldn't round all the corners evenly (cause it wasn't flat). Well, I think I've cured that problem! Check out my new 1/8" thick aluminum hold downs, these should keep that glow material nice and flat. I even made little cutouts so that I'd have room to do the engraving for JG on the right and 1/100 on the left. It's almost a shame that these are just a fixture tool.

Rat 1 glow scales

I just came out with these amazing glow in the dark scales for the Ontario Rat 1 knife, they turned out wicked!  I'm using the same material that spyderco/EDC used on their Manix GITD. This will be a no money down sprint run of 100 pairs, payment due when I'm finished making them. You can sign up now to get in line by posting a comment or sending me a message.

The price is $110 USD shipped worldwide for a pair of scales. For this first run I will only sell them in pairs. I'll release payment info (paypal) once they're ready to ship.

These will all be engraved with my JG logo and the numbers 1/100, 2/100, etc. All the edges are rounded over and all the screw holes are deburred. They feel really nice, and boy do they ever glow! Especially when charged up by sunlight or a really bright LED flashlight. I posted a bunch of awesome videos on my youtube channel, which can be viewed here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hey guys thanks so much for checking out my brand new blog.  I hope to keep it updated with all the fun and amazing projects that I'm working on, as well as keeping you informed of product availability and sales.